About Us

Enterprise culture

Mission: Make the world full of true love

• True love by continuously providing customers with quality products and intimate services, so that thousands of families feel "true love"!

Vision: One of the best, win respect

• True love's unwavering efforts to be one of the best in the target market of the business involved;

• True love unswervingly strive to build a standardized and excellent operation management system, cultivate outstanding teams, and create one of the best performance;

• True love unswervingly and actively help employees realize their personal dreams on the platform of true love and be respected by others;

• True love unswervingly and actively assume social responsibility, and actively participate in charity and public welfare.

Values: customer enterprising share


Customers are the reason for the existence of enterprises

Deep insight and understanding of customer needs

Everything is customer-centric


Dare to take responsibility and achieve organizational goals

Continuous innovation to raise the standard of success


Share wisdom, growth, joy

Strategic Target: Double Billion in 2023

Sales of more than 10 billion

Assets (including market capitalization after listing) over $10 billion